Sonam Kapoor just keeps showing us why she’s the ultimate fashionista of Bollywood. The 39-year-old actor was recently spotted at the airport rocking a red maxi skirt and blazer combo. And guess what? This isn’t the first time she’s worn that bright tomato-red skirt! With this latest look, Sonam shows that repeating outfits is totally normal and that one piece can be styled in multiple ways. After all, it’s Sonam – she can nail any fashion challenge. Let’s dive into both of her red skirt looks and see which one wins the hearts of fashion lovers. (Also read: Sonam Kapoor cheers for Anamika Khanna, shares her all-time favourite look by her )
Sonam Kapoor’s stylish airport look in red skirt and blazer
For her chic airport look, Sonam chose a grey plunging neckline top, which she paired with an oversized blazer that features power shoulders, notched lapels, full sleeves, and side pockets. She combined it with a red maxi skirt that has a broad belt at the waist, showcasing a stylish balance of colours. To complete the ensemble, Sonam opted for shiny black platform heels, a sleek sling bag and a pair of golden hoop earrings, adding the perfect finishing touches to her outfit.
With nude eyeshadow, mascara-coated lashes, darkened brows, flushed cheeks, and nude lipstick, Sonam finished off her look to perfection. Her luscious tresses were left open with a middle parting, completing the chic and polished ensemble.
How Sonam styled the red skirt before
Sonam previously wore the red skirt a year ago, pairing it with a stylish white off-shoulder top tucked into the skirt. She completed the look with thigh-high black cowboy boots and a black choker, exuding runway-ready vibes. Her makeup featured shimmer eyeshadow, mascara-coated lashes, blushed cheeks, luminous highlighter and nude lipstick. With her lush locks styled in soft curls and parted in the middle, she looked absolutely stunning.
In both of her looks, Sonam Kapoor demonstrates a masterclass in rewearing the same outfit with entirely different styles. Whether it’s a chic airport look or a fashion-forward runway-inspired ensemble, she proves that one piece can be styled in diverse and creative ways. So, if you find yourself thinking you’ve worn a particular outfit too many times, take a page from Sonam’s book. Revisit your wardrobe, get imaginative and revamp your look by styling it in a fresh, new way!